What is
One Heart?

The One Heart Project equips justice-involved and at-risk youth with the skills, tools, and healthy relationships they need to navigate life successfully.

Who We Serve

1.3 million teens are arrested every year in the U.S. More than 100,000 of them will be housed in correctional facilities. Most never receive a second chance. They are the most invisible population in our culture.

come from fatherless homes

come from poverty

have incarcerated family members

reported being victims of abuse

are under 16 years of age

will be arrested again, most within 6 months

Creating A Lasting Impact

The Second Chance Pathway

Our program offers a holistic approach to providing youth with the opportunity to acquire the skills and tools needed and engage them in healthy coaching and support relationships.

What We Do

We provide social & emotional intelligence education, one-on-one mentoring, life skills, gap skills, vocational training, and employment opportunities with an array of reentry services.

Where We Work

We serve youth in state and county corrections and probation, alternative education settings, and public & private schools. Both virtually and in-person.

Our programs have produced significant attitudinal and behavioral change, and dramatically reduced recidivism rates.

Recidivism Rate

Decrease in Negative Incidents

Increase in Behavior Ratings

Positive Change in Offender Status

Increase in Academic Grade Averages

One Heart in your state

We have several state-specific initiatives, and are constantly expanding our footprint across the country.

Select a state on the map or: